Build an application to show live activities such as transactions, gas, fee ... and do analytics as well such as trending coin based on transactions.
This project aims to show the real time data of transaction over uniswap. However, I can't complete it due to have time to familiar with api and the uniswap 's code.It 's complex than i think. I think the most challenge is understanding the uniswap code, Graph api coding convention and library
Create a subgraph, add more entities and fields in the subgraph.yaml file, then update the mapping.ts and price.ts
id: ID!
count: BigInt!
owner: Bytes! # address
spender: Bytes! # address
symbol: String!
name: String!
decimals: BigInt!
totalSupply: BigInt!
tradeVolume: BigDecimal!
tradeVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!