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Union Registry

Put your marriages and Civil Unions on-chain and attest to your special bonds!

Union Registry

Created At

ETHGlobal Bangkok

Winner of


Blockscout - Blockscout Explorer Big Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Our Project, Union Registry is a way for couples to bring their luv on chain!

Last year one of our team members got married and had the inspiration to think of how to bring marriages on-chain and how to co-manage finances. He had a massive lightbulb moment when him and his partner wanted to buy a house in their homebase of Mexico City.

Not enough of a crypto OG to buy a house outright they managed to use the power of DeFi to secure a super low-rate loan on Compound, took out USDC and made the down-payment on their future home.

So the idea of Union Registry was firmly planted. Bring on-chain human verified unions on-chain, seal the deal with an attestation and be able to share it with the blockchain-infused institutions of the future.

In addition members of a Union can customize their bond further using unique twist of Nouns NFTs, with each member designing one half of the Noggle which they "gift" to the other person. The noggle design minted when the union is fully accepted is a blend of both halves, making the Noun unique and personalized for each Union.

Users can login with their own wallet or with socials, verify their humanity and propose a union to another person using a secret code. The proposee enters the secret code, the union is made, Nouns are minted and a very special "Union Certificate" is made available to share with friends, family and your local government agency.

In the future we would like to use Union Registry to give couples access to jointly managed defi applications such as applying for loans, staking tokens and making payments.

How it's Made

We use Web3Auth to enable seamless logins with various web wallets as well as social login ability.

Once the user logs in we take them through a flow to verify their humanity using Privado ID, privado submits an on-chain proof which is saved to Linea Sepolia and allows us to remember if the address has already proved their humanity in a privacy preserving way with ZK.

After that they are taken to the union proposal process, allowing them to choose from a variety of pre-made Nouns noggle designs themed around rings, love and all that fuzzy stuff. They also can write some nice words to the other person which we save as a vow. In a future version noggles are made unique with AI generation of each noggle artwork.

The proposer does not have to specify the address which they are sending the union proposal to. Instead they set a secret "love code" which is hashed and set inside of the on-chain union data. For the proposee to accept they must enter the secret love code when they log in to the app and verify their humanity. the love code is hashed and checked against the one saved in the union data. If the hash matches then the union is accepted. At this point we mint the Nouns NFTs fragments for each recipient and a final Noun is made combining each unique fragment for a final Noggle image.

In addition we use Sign Protocol to issue an on-chain attestation using the scroll sepolia network. The attestation includes the IDs of the Nounish NFTs minted, the vows each member sent to each other as well as their addresses.

We have deployed a subgraph that allows us to index union information made by our contract, we expose a graphql endpoint that allows us to retrieve the information of each union and show it to the correct user when they are logged in.

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