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UniMud extension is exactly that an extension of the UniMud project that give developers the ability to use EOA accounts via MetaMask SDK and wraps Nethereum .dll provided with a Ethers like abstraction


Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

When working with UniMud during the hackathon. I was needing the ability to easily work with contract data for minting NFT's making smart contract calls. The SDK provided Nethereum .dll but it didn't have the abstraction needed to easily work with it. It also didn't have the ability to work with EOA out of the box. So, in this hack I added those features.

How it's Made

This project adds an Ethers like abstraction over the provided Nethereum libraries. It also adds the functionality to connect to EOA's via MetaMask SDK. This give UniMud a full end to end onchain gaming SDK experience. The Ethereum RPC source is written in C# and is fully compatible with Unity3D and also allows for logging into a EOA via MetaMaskSDK for both Mobile and Desktop builds. It's an early stage project that I will continue working on after the hackathon is completed.

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