A decentralized protocol for lending Uniswap v3 positions and borrowing the earnings. Lenders set a price and duration, borrowers pay the price, lock the position, and claim all earnings during the lock period.
Prize Pool
Our project is a borrowing and lending protocol that enables Uniswap v3 liquidity providers (LPs) to lend their positions for a set price and duration. Lenders list their Uniswap v3 positions with a desired price and duration. Borrowers pay the price to lock the position in a smart contract for the specified period. During this time, the borrower earns all the fees and rewards generated by the position whenever they claim them. This innovative approach transforms Uniswap v3 positions into rentable assets, giving borrowers access to the capital efficiency and fee-earning potential of concentrated liquidity without owning the LP token. The protocol ensures the safety of positions by locking them in a smart contract for the duration, with automated handling of earnings. It bridges the gap between LP positions and active yield strategies in DeFi, offering both LPs and borrowers new financial opportunities.
We built the project using Foundry and Hardhat for development and testing, leveraging mainnet forking to interact with real Uniswap v3 positions. Lenders list their positions with a price and duration, and borrowers pay the price to lock the position in a smart contract for the specified time. The smart contract manages the position, ensuring that any earnings are claimable only by the borrower during the lock period. Our frontend is developed with Next.js and React, using RainbowKit and Ethers.js for wallet connectivity and interactions.