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UniCycle is a public good project dedicated to securely taking examinations on-chain. Moreover, it can also distribute college course credits and transfer them to another university. Upon course completion, credits are converted into tokens and stored in the blockchain wallet.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of


Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Problem we want to solve:

Months of credit validation administrative process to validate university credits from one to another. Provide a certification solution to non acredited schools, by examining the student and certify it with an NFT. Give an oportunity to ALL students to demostrate their learnings and reduse inequality.

The project aligns with ongoing initiatives in applying blockchain to education. Earlier models tackled challenges like preventing certificate forgery, facilitating credit transfers, and enhancing data security. Blockchain-based systems bring forth advantages such as transparency, efficiency, and security in the storage and validation of academic credentials.

How it's Made

We are going to divide the explainantion by the two users: From the school, or a non acredited learning academy case, the university is going to publish their courses, the student then can register to those courses. A Student will recieve a registartion attestation enrolment pass, proving that he is well enrolled into the course. At the end of the course he will take our online quizz and if he passes, he will recieve an NFT, thus beeing able to demostrate that he has well learned the content from the course. On the other hand, the universities will publish their courses, the student will enroll and recieve a course registration attestation pass as well. He will make some exams and if he passes he will recieve the credits (tokens) from the course, beeing able to get to his objective of graduating, demosytrate his learnings and validate them to another university if he changes.

To do, further: However, we didn't had time to deploy the mulisig from the teacher, administartion and director to activate the rewards. As neighter, to store the full content of the course description and project done.

Implementation The Ethereum smart contract is programmed in Solidity, presenting an ecosystem for higher educational organizations. Tokens, ownership transfers, and secure math functions ensure the integrity and security of the system.

Replay Attack The system resists replay attacks, where attackers seize and replay messages to disguise their identity.

Collusion Tamper Attack The proposed scheme updates data periodically to public Ethereum, reducing the likelihood of collusion tamper attacks.

Code Implementation:

We have used BASE as the blockchain and have tested everything on Base Goerli. We've used WalletConnect for wallet integration but we wanted to use Privy as well. Due to technical difficulties, we were not able to do it! Moreover, we also integrated WorldID to prove the proof of personhood.

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