A creator economy for scientists and inventors, powered by web3. Unlocking secret technologies and preserving/sharing them by using the power of blockchain can revolutionize our world in ways not seen since the industrial revolution.
The mission of Unbound Science is to spread technology around the world faster than ever before. We start by onboarding scientists into web3, using familiar logins and abstracting away the wallets. Using ZKP, we keep their identities and research private and anonymous (if they choose to be, for their own safety). Scientists can receive funding to further their research into mass production ready products. Once the product is ready to go, it is registered with Story Protocol, then sent to marketplace partners for it to be licensed and leased all over the world. We will start out supporting funding for four categories: Clean Energy, Air/Water/Soil Tech, Pollution/Waste Management, Quantum Devices.
We will be using a number of existing web3 technologies in our stack. The list will continue evolving, but the final version will be written in Rust, launched within containers running on Internet Computer, with storage options for Internet Computer, Arweave, and Bitmaps. Secret Network will provide user privacy, interoperability, and compute. Boba Network will provide compute as well. Fileverse will be integrated for whiteboard collaboration. dWallet is being considered to provide the wallet abstraction. Our goal is to use as many proven existing technologies as possible, rather than try to create our own unnecessarily.