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A decentralized blog posting platform that is censorship resistant utilizing IPFS and Markdown


Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ Tableland — Pool Prize

Protocol Labs

3️⃣5️⃣ IPFS/Filecoin — Storage Mage

Project Description

Unblogged is a blogging application that unblocks any form of censorship (Blog + Unblock = Unblogged). It utilizes IPFS to keep user's articles persistent and censorship resistant and Markdown language for a pleasant and familiar writing interface. When a user publishes an article, an NFT will also be minted and linked to the article to easily prove the ownership of the article. The user may also upload a new article and update the CID recorded on the NFT.

How it's Made

Our team's goal for this hackathon is to develop a 100% decentralized platform using the power of IPFS, hence, all the tools used to support this platform is completely decentralized. Unblogged is hosted using Fleek, which allows Unblogged to be permissionless, trustless, censorship resistant, and free of centralized gatekeepers. Every article that a user writes will be published and pinned on IPFS using's SDK. This means that the user's article would be almost impossible to be censored. Each article is also minted as an NFT on Polygon which is integrated with Tableland such that every article can be searched (using a simple SQL query) on the Homepage of Unblogged by the article's title or tags.

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