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U for Artist

U for artist is a wizard to assist artist onboarding on WEB3 with a UTILITY and VALUE GENERATION model instead of just trying to sell the art

U for Artist

Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Project Description

There is a lot of artists wondering wtf is NFT and how they could take advantage on it... the problem is that they get lost starting with the NFT meaning... and ending uploading their art to a market place like Open Sea and waiting for someone some day to discover them and buy something...

What if they have an concierge to guide them launching their talent into WEB3 and applying the best practices about pre-releasing, whitlist, minting process, pre-sale and most of all ... creating a road map through the one they will deliver through the time more and more value (UTILITY) to their fans, customers or NFT owners

How it's Made

This project uses a NFT standard smart contract on POLYGON as a template with all the best practices about minting, whitelist mint, pre-mint, referral discount minting, unrevealing and revealing, IPFS storage and a web based wizard in order to guide any artist on its talent launch... the most valuable part is the UTILITY WIZART where at the end it will be translate into ROI expected rate X

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