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Trusted OP Buildoors

Grow the number of technical knowledgeable citizens that can participate in OP Stack RetroRounds on a p2p EAS attested trust basis.

Trusted OP Buildoors

Created At

Superhack 2024

Project Description

This project combines the use of Github reputation and identity, with the the power of onchain attestations (EAS) and ZKemail privacy preserving tech to increase in a more robust way the pool of knowledgeable Github contributors that can participate as voters on the RetroRound 5 "OP Stack". Through the increase of available data on members and contributors of the OP Collective we aim to see an increase in governance participation by technically savvy active members of the Superchain.

How it's Made

On the back end, this project leverages the Github API, ZKEmail and EAS to build a reputation graph based on Github user p2p endorsements on specific categories related to the OP Stack. To design the user experience we used Figma and informed our design based on examples such as LinkedIn and Metamask Snaps. The backend is built using TypeScrypt and NSQL for data storage. Our goal was to simplify the user experience as much as possible, this is why we pulled from already tested web2 UI examples and reduced the complexity to endorse each other to the minimum.

For sign up:

Github API

  • We use the Github API to pull the profile data from contributors to our platform so anyone endorsing another Github user is first able to verify the Github identity and attributes of the Github users they are about to endorse.
  • Additionally, we leverage the Github API to pull the accounts that serve as seeds of the web of trust; these accounts have “reputation” they can give to others who are not part of the founding trusted set of users. We are currently using all of Optimisms Mono repo contributors who have over 15 commits to the repo.


  • We offer a decentralized and permissionless Github account ownership verification through ZKEmail, in which users easily log in with Google and create a ZK proof of Github account.

EAS Attestations

We use EAS onchain attestations for two different use cases:

  • Store the ZKEmail onchain generated proof for anyone to be able to verify in a decentralized way the authentication completed by endorsers.
  • Store the endorsement data and enable mapping of the extended web of trust by anyone in the ecosystem.

Looking ahead:

We’re in conversations with the OpenRank team to explore how the data generated can be leveraged to increase the data they currently use to score contributors who can potentially be invited to participate in upcoming OP Stack RetroRound.

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