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Identity masking app to prevent identity theft, also ensuring backtracking at the same time


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

This project includes an app, which masks the user's identity by providing them with a temporary masked SSN and a Passport Number. These details can be traced back to the user's original identity in case of any misuse. A future case of this app is to notify the user wherever their masked identity is used. So whenever the user is alerted, they can report it and get a new masked identity. In case of misuse of the masked identity by the user, it can always be traced back by dehashing their entry in the database.

Another use case of this project is that the user would not have to carry their ID around, like to get into a bar or check into a hackathon. There's a different tab for scanning the QR code, which can let them verify that the user is who they claim they are!

How it's Made

This project uses flutter for the front end portion, on the back-end, python-flask is used. For storing the masked identities, filecoin's is used. Fernet is used for encrypting and decrypting the data.

*Please note that there are two repositories for this project, and I can only submit one here, so I'm putting the links here.

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