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TrueAthlete is a decentralized, user-focused dApp allowing donors, and sponsors from around the world to fund fully credible up-and-coming but under-capitalized athletes in Latin America.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

The major problem we want to solve is want to help communities develop, their talented but under-capitalized athletes. Giving them purpose, a community, & structure and also furthermore give the nation the chance for future international prestige.

Typically a Latin American Athlete would need 4500-7000 USD to train and compete in Major international competitions like the Olympics. With our Platform, we can help athletes close the funding gap much more efficiently and allows these atheletes to build an on-chain reputation.

To make this dream work our dApp TrueAthlete needed to solve for several problems at once:

Sourcing Credible Proof.: How do Donors solve for making sure their donations go to credible atheletes and the system is not scammed. Technological: How do we solve for Curator Attestors (Coaches, Schools & Universities) & Athletes be able to do the least amount of onboarding (no key management, and wallet management) until they’re funded.

How it's Made

This project was built in a semi-decentralised way, where the attestation logic is done on-chain via metamask using the Ethereum Attestation Service.

We have a built our frontend with React.Js and Typescript, and it interfaces directly with Ethereum's Sepolia Testnet, using Wagmi (Ethers.js).

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