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A decentralized social media platform for content creators and a donation app built on polygon for giving tokens to your favorite creator, project, or meme lord.


Created At

HackMoney 2021

Project Description

Introduction : TroveIT is a decentralized photo and video sharing social media platform that allows the content creators to showcase their work and earn, also its allows the user to buy the post or donate the artist. All the transactions are done via ERC20 tokens named - "Trove Token"


  1. Categorization of Posts A post is categorized as feed post which get uploaded to feed section or as a original post which gets posted on the Marketplace section. Normally on a photo sharing platform anyone can take a screenshot and change the logo and repost it without giving credits to the original content creator. Digital artists and meme lords often face this issue and are then left with no options. TroveIt determines which post is original and which post is edited and reposted.

  2. Appreciating the Original Content Creator It is sometime observed that the small content creators often receive less likes but some art pages who take the screenshot of the content creators post and then post on their profile receives more number of likes. While on TroveIt whenever a user likes a feed post the like is also credited on the original post thus the work of original content creator is always appreciated.

  3. Buy a post If a user wants to buy a post he can purchase it by paying trove tokens to the content creator as per the rate which was posted by the content creator. After the user purchase the post, the post is removed from the marketplace and displayed on the user's profile. Everytime someone likes the duplicate version of this post the like would be credited on this post too. Now if the user feels that the post is in demand he can repost it on the marketplace and earn profit.

  4. Donating the content creators or meme lords There's a simple procedure by which a user can donate the content creators. The user can view complete profile of content creator and then decide if he wants to donate the trove tokens.

  5. Video streaming section Under this section a creator can post his video set the ticket price, that is , the amount of trove tokens that the user would need to pay to watch his video. The trove tokens would be directly credited to his account.

  6. Buy, Sell and Withdraw Tokens The user can buy the tokens in exchange of MATIC and also sell the tokens and then withdraw the amount directly in MATIC whenever he wants.

Why a decentralized platform is required?

  • Directly transfer funds to the receiver
  • Incase of advertisements, the user would be directly paid for the ads being displayed on his post.
  • No need to link to real-world identities, like email addresses or phone numbers. All the user would need is a crypto wallet like Metamask which rely on public-key cryptography for account security, rather than relying on a single organization to protect user data.

How it's Made

'- The smart contracts were deployed on Polygon(previously Matic network).

  • The Dapp makes use of Biconomy for gasless transactions, thus the user can directly start interacting with

    the Dapp(viewing and liking the posts) without spending any amount of gas fees.

  • All the posts are uploaded and stored on IPFS

  • The hamming distance of the hash of images and perceptual hashing mechanism

    were used to categorize the posts. The hash values are stored in blockchain.

  • Metamask wallet is the only requirement to login into the Dapp

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