A social betting platform that lets you bet on Sports, Esports and Predictions in a decentralized manner on the Filecoin blockchain.
It is a social betting platform that lets you bet on Sports, Esports and Predictions in a decentralized manner on the Filecoin blockchain.
Lack of Transparency - Traditional platforms often lack transparency and trust, leaving users in the dark about the fairness of outcomes and payouts.
Centralized Control - Centralized platforms have sole control over user funds, limiting access and placing trust in a single entity.
Transaction speeds and outdated technology hinder the betting experience with Govt regulations and all.
We wants to revolutize the whole Betting Industry empowering players to play and earn without any limitations - Transitioning from web2 betting's methods of payments and user onboarding to web3 nft based user onboarding to create their decentralised profile and using smart contract for payment and betting leveraging FileCoin Blockchain.
Made using Nextjs 14 with tailwind css for styling for Frontend Smart contract deployed on Filecoin and written in Solidity Hardhat for contract testing and deployment Used Supabase for some user info in backend
List of technologies and libraries are used for the development of this website
React IPFS React Router Solidity Filecoin Ethereum Web3.js Tailwind CSS Vercel