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Send and receive crypto through a cross platform mobile application!


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

An easy way to send and receive crypto payments! This app has QR code scanning for Metamask and Rainbow Wallet, Wallet Connect for easy wallet connections, wallet generation for users new to crypto, and manual seed phrase input for the veterans. You can also generate a QR code for others to scan.

Right now we support USDC and Matic, as we'd like to support chains with higher concentrations of liquidity. But adding more tokens and blockchains is arbitrarily scalable.

This project is built to enable those who are unbanked or who operate in countries with high volatility in their local currency. Operators in Argentina are using crypto on a daily basis in order to hedge against inflation and pay for everyday goods.

Check out some transactions on Polygonscan that were made using the mobile app!

How it's Made

I used React Native and Expo Go as a framework to scaffold a mobile application.

I integrated many 3rd party libraries to implement qr code generation, a camera api for qr code scanning, ethers.js for key generation, encrypted local storage to secure private keys (they are only exposable to the app), and Wallet Connect so that people can easily connect any wallet to the application.

For state management I implemented Redux Toolkit with React Query to elegantly maintain global state and handle page transitions upon user actions.

Wallet Connect was a huge boost because it enabled me to provide utility for a wide variety of wallet solutions!

While the UI could use some TLC, this is something that can be improved with relative ease. Building out the logic of the application is a far more compelling and strenuous undertaking. But to launch this app into the world and have people experience joy while using it, MUCH work will be placed into improving UI and UX so that I can deliver joyful experiences to my end users.

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