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DApp that helps investors and beginners save money and time by filtering good traders from scammers with a reputation verified by blockchain


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Project Description

TradeX is a blockchain project aimed at addressing the challenges faced in the trading industry, particularly related to scammers and the loss of trust and resources by investors and beginners. The project focuses on building a decentralized application (DApp) that allows traders to establish a reputation based on verified forecasts stored on the blockchain. The TradeX app functions by receiving forecasts from any user and submitting them to a smart contract for verification. If a forecast proves to be accurate, the user receives a positive reputation, while an incorrect forecast results in a negative reputation. This reputation system helps users identify trustworthy traders and avoid scammers. Additionally, the TradeX app enables users to sell private forecasts that can only be accessed by the buyers. To ensure secure storage and retrieval of data, the project utilizes IPFS (Web3.Storage) as a decentralized storage solution. Lit Protocol is employed for encrypting and decrypting private forecasts, ensuring privacy and confidentiality. To facilitate the buying and selling of forecasts, TradeX utilizes Zora Contracts. These contracts enable users to transact securely and transparently on the blockchain. The Graph is employed to aggregate and query blockchain data, providing users with a comprehensive view of the reputation and performance of traders. In terms of technology, TradeX is built using TypeScript, Next.JS, MUI (Material-UI), and Vercel. The smart contracts powering the platform are developed using Solidity, HardHat, and the Polygon Test Network, ensuring a robust and scalable infrastructure. Overall, TradeX aims to create a trusted and transparent trading environment by leveraging blockchain technology, decentralized storage, encryption protocols, and reputation systems. By doing so, it seeks to empower traders, protect investors, and provide a platform for reliable forecasting and knowledge sharing within the trading community.

How it's Made

IPFS (Web3.Storage) is used as a storage for data of traders, public and private forecasts. Lit Protocol is used as a decentralized tool to decrypt and encrypt private forecasts. Zora Contracts is used to sell and buy forecasts. The Graph is used to aggregate and query blockchain data. Also, the app uses TypeScript, Next.JS, MUI, and Vercel.

Smart contracts are based on Solidity, HardHat and Polygon Test Network.

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