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Fine tune your trading journey with TRADETUNE


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

We decided instead of finding problems outside, why not start cleaning the mess from our own houses. Being a newbie trader I often sleep to a 10% profit and wake up to a 40% loss and hence, always had this complaint of no proper crypto alert systems, no fun strategies to play with, no deep knowledge about what’s going on in the market and many more. Signals are sometimes helpful, but I feel it stops you from becoming a good trader. So, I personally wanted something in between, that could help me avoid huge losses and also give me the freedom to make my own trading strategies. I am pretty sure, if I am facing such an issue, others in the space might also feel the same. Afterall, no one likes a 40% loss on their crypto portfolio or miss out on the next crypto pump. Considering all these scenarios, we came up with the idea of TradeTune - A platform that fine tunes your trading journey.


How it's Made

It’s always been an amazing yet hectic 36-hr hacking and brainstorming ideas. With this great experience came along a good sum of bugs and technical problems. Firstly, it was quite a job to agree upon an idea that solves a problem keeping in mind user experience and ease of use. During the design and development phase we encountered a number of hurdles - We wanted to build something which not only was an interesting “PROJECT” but also a valuable “PRODUCT” to the community. Therefore, we spent a good amount of time figuring out the features and workflow.

Starting off with technical problems, I personally faced a little hard time with Chainlink CCIP, which btw is understandable, as it’s a new product. There were a number of times when everything seemed fine, yet the code kept crashing. On the bright side, Chainlink team was very helpful and eager whenever we asked for help.

Documentations of some protocols were a little tough to understand and took quite a lot of time there. Connectivity was sometimes a pain. Some LAN wires were not working properly and wifi speed was very slow.

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