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TR8: Unveil your unique essence pixel by pixel. Capture achievements, credentials & experiences in a dynamic digital canvas. Redefine identity & showcase what makes you, YOU. Your story, your TR8. Join us in crafting the future of digital identity.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of


Arbitrum - Pool Prize

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Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

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Project Description

TR8 Protocol revolutionizes NFTs by offering a decentralized, cross-chain protocol that enables individuals and organizations to create, manage, and showcase unique attestations and achievements.


TR8 Protocol is permissionless. Anyone can create a drop/collection on any topic with any content. TR8 drops do NOT have to be vetted nor approved by a committee or company or organization or DAO. A side-effect of this permissionless nature is that content-filtering becomes the responsibility of front-ends, each of which can apply their own standards for curating content. TR8 Protocol envisions many different front-ends, some general in nature and others focused on specific applications like events, educational credentials, in-game assets, etc.


TR8 is composable through the structured data in the source attestations, and well as via optional hook contracts that issuers can deploy to tightly integrate TR8s into their own protocols and control who can claim their TR8s and what extras happen when they do.

OP Stack Superchain

The Superchain of OP Stack chains is the home for TR8 Protocol, currently deployed to Optimism, Base, and Zora (testnets).


All TR8 NFTs are cross-chain by nature and can currently be moved between Optimism, Base, and Zora, with more to follow. Cross-chain transportation provided by LayerZero general message passing (GMP).

How it's Made

At its core, TR8 protocol use EAS attestations as the base layer. There are two kinds of attestations that TR8 issuers and claimers make:

  1. "New Drop" Attestations. This is an attestation to create a new drop or collection, whether it be a badge for event attendance, an educational certificate, or something else. The attestation includes the structured data for the drop as well as lists of who can issue and/or claim the TR8s. When a new drop attestation is made, a dedicated NFT contract/collection is deployed for the drop. The collection is owned by the issuer enabling them to customize the collection's appearance on OpenSea and other marketplaces and directories. A drop can have an expiry date, a deadline for minting the TR8s in the drop. Drops can be configured as soulbound (non-transferable), or trade-able.
  2. Mint/Claim Attestations. These attestion can be made either by an issuer (admin) or a claimer. In both cases the recipient of the attestation is the one who will receive the TR8, if eligible. Configured issuers for a drop can issue (mint) a TR8 to any address. Configured claimers can claim a TR8 for themselves (they are both the attester and the recipient in these claim attestations). When these attestation are made, hooks are called if configured, enabling limitless composability and providing flexibility on gating who can and cannot claim TR8s in the drop (more on hooks below). Eligible recipients will receive a TR8 NFT for the Drop, adding to their onchain identity.


TR8 drops feature optional reserved namespaces, enabling issuing organizations to group their drops under a single namespace that is reserved for them.

TR8 Protocol Contracts

TR8 Contracts

While TR8 users interact primarily through making attestations to the EAS contract, there are several contracts deployed as part of TR8 protocol.

  • TR8.sol - The TR8 contract provides several functions. It acts an a EAS SchemaResolver, hooks that get called when each attestation is made or revoked. When a minting/claiming attestation is made, the onAttest() hook triggers the minting of the TR8 to eigible attestation recipients. When a "new TR8 drop" attestation is made, the hook triggers the deployment of a dedicated NFT contract for the drop. In this way, the contract also acts as a Factory contract which minimally clones NFT contracts. The attestation includes NFT metadata and access permissions for issuers and claimers, stored onchain within the attestation and/or newly deployed contract. Finally, the TR8 contract acts a registry for drops and keeps track of reserved nameSpaces for issuers.
  • TR8Nft.sol - This is the implementation contract for TR8 NFTs. Each drop gets it own contract/collection which gets cloned from this contract. These NFTs are cross-chain NFTs that implement the ERC721Transportable interface to faciliate arrivals and departures.
  • TR8Transporter.sol - Powered by LayerZero, this contract is a transport hub for many TR8 NFT contracts. One transporter is deployed per chain and all movement of NFTs move through them. If a transporter detects that a drop NFT contract has not yet been deployed on the destination chain, it calls out to the TR8 contract on that chain to deploy, at the same address as the home chain. TR8 Transporters

Optional TR8 Hook contracts

TR8 Protocol is composable, and issuers can create their own TR8Hook contracts that get called each time a minting/claiming attestation is made. Hooks can add logic to allow/deny minting, integrate with third party protocols, and thousands of other things. Four example hook contracts were created and deployed:

  • TR8HookNFTClaimer.sol - This hook enables claiming of a TR8 only if the recipient is a current owner of an NFT from another collection. This could be used to issue TR8s to members of a DAO, or to reward NFT community members.
  • TR8HookNeedEth.sol - This hook requires the the recipient has some amount of native token (ether). This could be used to limit hoarding/scamming of TR8 drops. One can imagine a similar contract that requires a certain balance of a specific ERC20 token.
  • TR8HookFaucet.sol - This hook acts as faucet, sending tokens to eligible recipients. Note that when a hook is specified for a drop, it doesn't override the specified list of claimers who are allowed to mint/claim the TR8. Rather a hook can revert to prevent the issuance of the TR8 or add new addresses to the claimers list. In this example hook, it does neither, but will drip tokens only to those already eligible for the TR8.
  • TR8HookStreamer.sol - This hook works similar to the faucet, by starts a real-time stream of tokens to the TR8 receipient, powered by the Superfluid protocol. One can imagine gaming applications that perform similar actions.

Deployed Contracts Addresses

Note all equivalent contracts are deployed to the same address on each chain.

  • TR8Nft contract: 0x868F83D1c9349B6c7bA793A0D71Dfb66e60e01Ef: Optimism - Base - Zora
  • TR8 contract: 0xC3b0c31C16D341eb09aa3698964369D2b6744108: Optimism - Base - Zora
  • TR8Transporter contract: 0x54C9935e58141cc5b1B4417bb478C7D25228Bfc0: Optimism - Base

Example hook contracts were deployed only to the "home chain", Optimism:

  • TR8HookFaucet contract: 0x6072fB0F43Bea837125a3B37B3CF04e76ddd3f19: Optimism
  • TR8HookStreamer contract: 0xFc3d67C7A95c1c051Db54608313Bd62E9Cd38A76: Optimism
  • TR8HookNFTClaimer contract: 0x9F570E88B5CDef206d2633aA3278ac5bceCd4cD8: Optimism
  • TR8HookNeedEth contract: 0x4a62d7B300b505e44066E51B0b635ddb5044955d: Optimism
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