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Tower Defense Game

Tower Defense Game With Thirdweb is a game developed using Unity Engine and integrating Base's blockchain technology using Thirdweb Unity SDK. The game uses Account Abstraction and Smart Wallet to bring a compelling, immersive and seamless experience in the gaming world.

Tower Defense Game

Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of


thirdweb - Build an onchain game using thirdweb.

Project Description

The project creates a Tower Defense game using Unity Engine combined with Thirdweb Unity SDK to integrate Blockchain BASE into the game. The gameplay is very simple: you collect resources (wood, stone and gold), build as many buildings as possible to increase the collection speed and build towers to protect the Thirdweb headquarters. The game uses Thirdweb's Account Factory and Smart Wallet contracts. To increase interaction with the blockchain and create a sense of continuity when players enjoy the game. There will be no fees for interacting with the chain and no need to sign any transactions. The game also uses ERC721OpenEdition, ERC20TokenDrop and ERC1155 contracts. The ERC721OpenEdition contract is a gate token that players must own before playing the game. ERC20TokenDrop is a token to claim resources in the game. and ERC1155 is the reward when the player reaches a certain level in the game (corresponding to Bronze, Silver and Gold medals).

How it's Made

What technologies did you use? Tôi dùng Unity Engine. Base blockchain Thirdweb Unity SDK Thirdweb Account Factory và Smart Contract Thirdweb ERC721 OpenEdition Smart Contract Thirdweb ERC20 TokenDrop Smart Contract Thirdweb ERC1155

How are they pieced together? Unity Engine for creating games. Thirdweb Unity SDK and Thirdweb Toolkit for integrating blockchain into games.

If you used any partner technologies, how did it benefit your project? Thirdweb makes a great tool that makes creating a blockchain game with Unity very easy and fast. Thirdweb provides all the necessary tools for game developers. And it runs very stable.

Did you do anything particuarly hacky that's notable and worth mentioning? No. I simply learned how to use Thirdweb Unity SDK. And it's awesome. And that's the best thing about using Thirdweb.

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