A crypto currencies exchange platform allowing to perform up to 5 swaps at a time with predefined lists of Top 5 performers by categories
TOP5-SWAP is a crypto currencies exchange platform allowing to swap several tokens at a time, helping to significantly reduce transaction prices, and allowing to swap predefined lists of well reputed tokens (Top 5 lists) in order to simplify the access to DEFI market for large audiences.
We start from an existing base of a crypto currencies exchange platform working open source.
Based on that framework, some new components will be built:
A smart contract allowing to swap up to 5 tokens at a time using 1inch protocol and the chi token to reduce gas expenses
A UI allowing to select from 1 to 5 tokens and swap them at a time
A UI allowing to select predefined Top 5 lists taken from defipulse.com and other sources and then swap them at a time
A UI allowing to invert the swaps to the original state, meaning swapping from 5 tokens to the original token that first made the transaction
A database and a back-end server will allow to manage the user's holdings
A dashboard showing the interests of the portfolio