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toolshed is a tool to decentralize the sharing of physical tools in a communal workspace.


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

Starting from the needs of a real, operating, collective workspace, this tool is constructed to bring transparency and accountability to the sharing of manual work tools. The core of tool shed is the borrowing and lending smart contract, which facilitates members of the DAO to withdraw and return NFTs which tokenize each tool in the inventory. Members are issued certification NFTs through a separate minting contract, based on training in separate skills. For this demo they are limited to general Studio tools, Woodworking and Metalworking. These certifications grant permission to borrow from the categories of tools associated with each area of expertise. For example holding the "WOOD" badge allows borrowing of woodworking tools.

How it's Made

The borrowing smart contract and the NFT certification smart contract are written in Solidity. The associated metadata for the NFTs are hosted on IPFS. The front end is HTML, CSS, Javascript. THe art was made with procreate and Midjourney. I intend to add account abstraction to simplify the onboarding of nontechnical users. Ideally it would also have voting features for future tool purchases, but it's scope was limited due to the time restraints.

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