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TokenTreats is a cheat-proof loyalty reward platform with personalized blockchain tokens.


Created At


Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

TokenTreats - Redefining Loyalty with Personalized Blockchain Rewards

TokenTreats is a groundbreaking loyalty program that transcends traditional rewards systems. Our mission is to revolutionize how businesses, communities, and enterprises engage with their loyal members. Through a seamless blend of blockchain technology, personalized rewards, and real-time impact insights, TokenTreats offers a new dimension to loyalty.

Problems We Are Solving

  1. Complex Reward Redemption: Users face complexities when trying to redeem rewards due to convoluted processes and unclear instructions.

  2. Limited Reward Options: Many loyalty programs don't align with the diverse preferences of users.

  3. Privacy and Data Security: Privacy concerns and data breaches make users hesitant to provide personal information for loyalty programs.

  4. Fraud Concerns and Duplicate Reward Claims: Implementing robust identity verification through WorldCoin's integration and Ethereum Attestation Service to prevent fraudulent activities and ensure that rewards are redeemed only by legitimate recipients.

  5. Difficulty in Assessing Impact: Businesses struggle to quantify the impact of their loyalty programs, making it hard to assess success and areas for improvement.

Our Solutions

  1. Personalized Rewards: TokenTreats enables members to handpick their preferred reward tokens, whether they're fungible or non-fungible, resulting in a truly unique loyalty experience.

  2. Seamless Fungible Swaps: For members favoring fungible tokens, TokenTreats effortlessly converts treats into their chosen tokens using Uniswapv3, streamlining the redemption process.

  3. Recipient's Choice: Members simply provide the contract addresses of their desired tokens, guaranteeing direct delivery of their chosen rewards with minimal effort.

  4. Effortless Treat Sending: Express gratitude by easily sending treats to loyal members using their recipient address and a personalized message, fostering appreciation.

  5. Impact Insights: TokenTreats empowers users with real-time data insights, enabling them to visualize the impact of their actions, favored token types, and preferred cryptocurrencies.

  6. Ethereum Attestation Service: Through this service, authenticity is ensured, and user interest in receiving treats is verified, enhancing the effectiveness of loyalty tracking.

  7. WorldCoin's Identity Tool: Seamlessly integrated, this tool establishes and connects secure digital IDs for users, striking a balance between identity validation and privacy.

  8. User-Centric Experience: TokenTreats offers a user-centric approach across a diverse range of blockchains, including Optimism, Zora, and Base Chains. This ensures that loyalty feels natural and enjoyable, irrespective of the chosen blockchain on Superchain network while enabling higher number of transactions and cost-effective!

Tokentreats truly redefine loyalty, amplify impact, and co-create a world where blockchain-driven rewards are designed for businesses, communities, enterprises, and the enthusiastic users who make them truly meaningful. With TokenTreats, loyalty is not just a program; it's a dynamic and personalized experience that enriches the bond between organizations and their valued members.

How it's Made

TokenTreats is the culmination of smart contract design and seamless integration of different technologies. Here's how I pieced it all together:

  1. Smart Contract Development: TokenTreats is being developed using Solidity and Hardhat. Solidity smart contracts handle token deposit, swapping, redemption, attestation, and recording other necessary treat data in a streamlined and secured manner. TokenTreatsCore contract manages the creation, redemption, and attestation of treats. Its createTreats function allows users to create treats and specify details such as the receiver, tokenIn, amountIn, message, and file. The redeemTreats function is used to redeem treats to their desired blockchain token (fungible or non-fungible). If redeemer chose fungible tokens, the core contract calls FungibleTreatSwap contract to swap tokens using Uniswap v3's swap router. The core contract has attestTreats function to attest treat-related data on-chain using Ethereum Attestation Service for use of members' treats interests.

  2. WorldCoin Identity Integration: TokenTreats integrate with the WorldApp identity system to ensure that each user has a unique and verified identity preventing duplicate accounts and fraudulent activities. This integration make loyalty program cheat-proof and prevent double spending of reward on the same person.

  3. Deployment to Superchain for Scalability: To enhance scalability, TokenTreats use Optimism, Zora, and Base as deployment blockchain network. This also allow the platform to process a higher number of transactions quickly and cost-effective.

  4. Intuitive User Interface and Experience: A user-friendly UI/UX web dapp using NextJS/TailwindCSS/EthersJS/Auth0 to allow users to connect web3 wallet and World App easily, send treats to loyal members, and redeem rewards effortlessly.

Notable Hacky Techniques:

To streamline the complex processes, we implemented smart contract functions that allows users to input token contract addresses and other parameters directly. This reduces friction, reduce approval of transaction on end-user and makes sending and redeeming of reward delivery smoother.

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