ERC6551 Token Bound Account Project enables creation of token-bound accounts associated with ERC721 NFTs on Arbitrum Sepolia. Mint an NFT, then create an account bound to it. Verified contracts deployed.
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The ERC6551 Token Bound Account Project facilitates the creation of token-bound accounts linked to ERC721 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Arbitrum Sepolia network. It comprises several Solidity smart contracts, including the ERC6551 registry, ERC6551 Simple Account Implementation, and a test ERC721 contract called ScalingETHNFT. These contracts are deployed and verified on Arbitrum Sepolia.
The primary functionality allows users to mint NFTs via the ScalingETHNFT contract and subsequently create token-bound accounts associated with these NFTs. This association ensures that the account is bound to a specific NFT, as per the ERC6551 standard.
The project's core feature is demonstrated through a demo video, showcasing the seamless process of minting an NFT and establishing a token-bound account linked to it. Users can follow the provided addresses to interact with the contracts on the Arbitrum Sepolia network.
Overall, the ERC6551 Token Bound Account Project offers a robust solution for managing token-bound accounts associated with ERC721 NFTs, leveraging the capabilities of the Arbitrum Sepolia network.
Contracts Associated to the project: ERC6551 Registry Contract - 0xDfD8627F20D87060A702797020919c1154A9B826 ERC6551 Account Implementation Contract - 0x935b144A8F885a12e051Ae8fd3d5744317c5E92F ERC721 NFT contract (ScalingETH NFT) - 0xe45C86CD28F657cbd74f47ceD2E31895374de346
The project uses Solidity for the smart contracts, the contracts are deployed and verified on Arbitrum Sepolia. I used Remix for deploying the contracts onto Arbitrum Sepolia after configuring the RPC URL information onto Metamask. I made use of the ERC6551 standard and referred to the TokenBound documentation for understanding the working of ERC6551