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Pay as you go! Call all best AI services! Pay with tokens! Enjoy the power of AI!

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Blockscout - Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer

Prize Pool

Avail - Best use of Polygon CDK / Arbitrum Orbit / Stackr SDK with Avail DA 1st place

Project Description

Using AI tools can be quite expensive because you need to subscribe to each service individually, such as ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot,, Canva, and more. It’s not feasible to subscribe to all of them, so you must choose your primary tools and stick with them. However, with the magic of APIs (as most of these services offer APIs), Tok2Tok subscribes to all these services and provides access through a single, user-friendly interface.

How it's Made

We have forked LibreChat, the leading open-source interface modeled after ChatGPT. We have enhanced it by adding wallet connection and token management capabilities. Users can stack tokens in their wallets and spend them by querying one of the AI instances. LibreChat is now connected to various instances, including OpenAI. Users can stake their tokens to receive credits, which are then used to pay for each request.

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