Web3 Developer Alerts for issues on their dependent stack (Graph Protocol, Superfluid, ChainLink)
Alerts to notify a developer or an organisation when specific part of the services they build are impacted. The notification can be received on telegram, slack, signal, discord, email, SMS, etc. (On the go, on the preferred channel). In the hackathon: For people using graph protocol, notify when the subgraph fails, goes to unhealthy state, has a error log or rollback, or has a syncing delay with the chain.
Extensions for other ecosystems can be built:
The project uses telegram/slack/Discord APIs to create bots in the respective channel. For getting alerts on graphql, the user registers their subgraph id along with the channel identifier where they wish to receive the alerts. They need to add a bot to the channel. Once a new subgraph entry is made in the project, a python script periodically invokes the graph's indexer API to check the graph's status. Based on the alerting criteria, if the sub-graph's faces an issues, the bot sends a message in the respective channel, enabling faster debugging & quicker response time.