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Verify actions on x using tlsn to receive tokens as payment (incentivized engagement) or to commemorate the event (get a poap for retweeting a product launch announcement)


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Project Description

This project uses TLSN (provided by AVS operators) to notarize twitter actions (likes, retweets, etc.) to unlock tokens on Ethereum. Verifiable information is in short supply onchain and off. TLSN can fix this, but there is a collusuion problem (if the prover and the notary work together, fraudulent information can be verified.) Opacity Labs has launched an AVS network which solves this collusuion problem. Using this AVS to notarize data, allows that data to be credibly used onchain in smart contracts. The application presented here is the notarization of actions on, using zk proofs to bring that notarized data onchain, unlocking tokens for the user who performed the offchain action(s). This is a simple demonstration of the tech, but it illustrates the power of these primitives.

How it's Made

Based on Opacity Labs expo-opacity-demo repo, which is built in react-native and rust. Opacity Labs is an Eigenlayer AVS which provides a zktls network based on TLSN from the EF. TLSN X seeks to bring web2 data onchain using Aztek Noir proofs of the notarized data, allowing onchain actions.

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