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TLDR AI is a search engine that helps users get onboarded onto a chain with just a question like "How do I bridge to Optimism?".


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Mode - Best AI & DeFi integration

Project Description

As crypto becomes increasingly fragmented & complicated with AppChains, DAs and more and more infrastructure to scale, each advancement is also another "Too long didn't read" from another non-crypto user. The necessity for clear and simple onboarding for chains is paramount.

TLDR AI aims to solve the fragmentation and complexity in onboarding onto chains by providing a search engine that can answer new users' questions by giving simple explanations and recommending crypto protocols. For example, if a user wants to get onboarded onto a particular chain, they can start off by asking "How do I buy tokens on Base?" and would give them results for CEXes that they can buy tokens from. If a user asks about bridging, protocols for bridging would be returned.

TLDR AI also includes contract interactions, where a user can search "Where can i stake my tokens on Mode?" and would return a list of pools that a user can stake tokens in!

How it's Made

TLDR AI is built using the Lepton AI Search boilerplate - which has a frontend, and a backend which uses the DefiLlama APIs and the Heurist AI LLM Gateway, a decentralized AI L2 Network to query data and return it in a user readable format. TLDR AI currently has a snapshot of data from DefiLlama which is used to respond to user queries about protocols and yields.

TLDR AI also uses Privy to facilitate user onboarding and allow users to interact with protocols without needing a wallet already created.

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