generic time stamping for files - an application that can be used in proving file or link provenance, with approval by stakeholders
We have build a smart contract that issues tokens when timestamping a file or a link. The File / link/Creator then invites stakeholders (customers/other engineers etc) to approve the file. The service then maintains a record of that file in storage, differentiating this from simple timestamping services.
We use Scaffold-Eth for the frontend, solidity for the smart contract. Our ambition was to use Fleek for saving the files into IPFs via Fleek Storage, and Lit for cryptography.
solidity / scaffold eth / IPFS via Fleek storage and Vite /Lit We have build a smart contract that issues tokens when timestamping a file or a link. The File / link/Creator then invites stakeholders (customers/other engineers etc) to approve the file. The service then maintains a record of that file in storage, differentiating this from simple timestamping services.
We have tried to use Fleek Storage however we run into authentication problems on our end, and we were never able to figure them out. Same with the Lit protocol, as we got overwhelmed with making it work. However we think the smart contract is solid in terms of showcasing the functionality.