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Claim Your Time, Rule Your Realm in TimePirates! Where Blockchain Meets Adventure in an Ever-expanding Universe!


Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

TimePirates is a ChainHackers' entry for the "Autonomous Worlds 2023" hackathon. This blockchain-based game merges exploration, survival, and modularity, presenting a player-driven universe with infinite expansion potential.

Exploration and Survival Set in an infinite, square-grid world, players move around, collecting randomly appearing time packages. Encounters turn into combat, with the victor claiming the defeated player's time reserves.

Modularity and Player-Created Content Players can reserve sections of the world using on-chain smart contracts, defining their specific game rules. This creates diverse "mini-games" across the world, each varying in design and complexity.

Blockchain Integration All interactions, from area reservations to player conflicts, are tracked and validated on-chain. This blockchain enforcement adds a layer of credibility and transparency to the game.

Development Scope With a one-week development timeframe, the ChainHackers team aims to create a few example game worlds, with complexity akin to the "Snake" game.

TimePirates offers a unique, ever-changing gaming environment. Blockchain technology facilitates composable gaming experiences, ensuring every journey in this infinitely expandable universe is distinct.

How it's Made

The Time Pirates project is made using a combination of blockchain technology, on-chain smart contracts, and programming languages to deliver an interactive gaming experience. The project merges exploration, survival, and modularity and presents a player-driven universe with infinite expansion potential. Development Tools, Languages and Chains: Solidity, TypeScript, ethers.js, Foundry, MUD, OpenZeppelinSDK, Optimism, Polygon.

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