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Time Flirt

Time Flirt Capsule is a cutting-edge digital artifact designed to bridge the gap between cherished memories and future interactions. Utilizing blockchain technology and leveraging the power of decentralized storage.

Time Flirt

Created At


Winner of

🏊 Mode — Prize Pool

Project Description

Time Flirt Capsule is a cutting-edge digital artifact designed to bridge the gap between cherished memories and future interactions. Utilizing blockchain technology and leveraging the power of decentralized storage, the Time Flirt Capsule allows users to capture, preserve, and share moments with a unique twist.

Features Capture Moments: Users can upload images, videos, notes, or any form of digital content, embodying a specific memory or sentiment.

Set Expiration: Add a time element by setting an expiration date. The content within the capsule can be made to appear or disappear at specific times, giving an element of surprise or nostalgia.

Mint as NFT: The capsule can be minted as a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), giving it a unique identity on the blockchain.

Gift or Trade: Share the capsule with friends and loved ones or trade it within the community.

How it's Made

Time Flirt Capsule is a cutting-edge application crafted using Next.js and IPFS, enabling users to create multimedia capsules. Deployed on multiple blockchain networks including Base, Mumbai, Zora, and Mode, it utilizes a decentralized network for storage. The sleek design, built with Tailwind CSS, and the integration with various chains highlight the seamless blend of modern web development, blockchain technology, and decentralized systems, offering a unique and innovative user experience.

Contract Repo:-

Frontend Repo:-

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