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A verifiable review protocol that enables customers to post reviews and share user experiences with the community. All reviews are stored on chain permanently and binding with users' identities for verification purposes.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

Timbre aims to solve two problems in the consumer industry:

  1. Fake reviews on Web2 platforms (Google, Amazon, Yelp, etc.)
  2. Absence of review portal for Web3 products and projects, information overload and unverifiable on Twitter & Discord.

Timbre enables users to log in with EVM wallet addresses and post reviews that are stored on-chain permanently. Users can choose whether to keep their reviews public or private. Since every review is binding with user's wallet address, and packaged within the same transaction, users will own their reviews and monetize from it via:

  1. post authentic PUBLIC reviews to accumulate on-chain reputation and receiving paid consultation from a) other consumers who are looking to purchase the same product but with questions b) merchants who are launching new products and looking for target customers

  2. post authentic PRIVATE reviews that collect fees from other consumers who are looking for more verifiable information.

The protocol scores the verifiability of consumers & reviews via:

  1. On-chain data analysis of previous transaction histories, spending habits, and assets held
  2. Upvote and downvote mechanism of each review from other consumers
  3. ZK-proofed identities that contains verifiable credentials of consumers

How it's Made

using weavedb + arweave (+ bundlr + warp contracts under the hood)

the front-end was designed with Next.js and TailwindUI

the plan in the future is to move away from weavedb and instead have smart contracts directly on Polygon and other such platforms (will do this for every individual platform)

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