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The ultimate platform for crypto prepaid cards. Create and distribute prepaid crypto cards easily. Secure, user-friendly, and ideal for gift campaigns or your friends and family.


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Project Description

This project is a Dapp designed for generating and managing prepaid crypto codes. Users can create single or multiple codes with specified crypto values, which can be distributed and redeemed easily. The platform caters to both users with and without crypto wallets. For those without wallets, it supports wallet creation through WalletConnect’s AppKit, enabling sign-up via email, X (formerly Twitter), Google, Apple, Discord, or GitHub.

All transactions and smart contracts are verifiable through Blockscout, ensuring transparency. The smart contracts are deployed on multiple blockchains, enhancing flexibility and accessibility. This Dapp is ideal for gifting, marketing campaigns, and promotions, allowing recipients to redeem their crypto effortlessly.

How it's Made

How it's made

This Dapp is built using a modern tech stack that includes Next.js with TypeScript, TailwindCSS, and ShadCN for the frontend. The combination of these technologies allows for a highly responsive and visually appealing user interface. We leverage Wagmi and viem along with Wallet Connect hooks to manage wallet interactions seamlessly.

For the backend, we implemented a Paymaster server to sponsor gas fees, ensuring that users redeeming their crypto do not incur any costs. This enhances the user experience by removing a common barrier to entry.

The integration of WalletConnect’s AppKit facilitates easy wallet creation and connection, allowing users to sign up using their email, X (formerly Twitter), Google, Apple, Discord, or GitHub accounts. This flexibility greatly improves accessibility for users who may not have prior experience with crypto wallets.

By utilizing these technologies, we have created a robust and user-friendly platform that simplifies the process of generating, distributing, and redeeming crypto codes.

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