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An innovative crowdfunding platform empowering individuals to fundraise for a diverse array of ventures, from entrepreneurial startups to personal milestones like celebrations and graduations.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

WalletConnect - Innovation Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Introducing ThreeFundMe—an innovative on-chain application designed for seamless campaign creation, contribution, and communication. The platform boasts a user-friendly interface where you can explore and engage with various campaigns. Each campaign features a structured set of steps, comprising titles, descriptions, and fundraising goals. These steps detail the owner's objectives for utilizing the raised funds. Notably, the owner can only access the funds once a step's goal is met and the allotted time expires, prompting progression to the next phase. To keep contributors informed, owners can create multiple posts per step, providing a comprehensive timeline of their progress.

How it's Made

ThreeFundMe is the culmination of meticulous development, blending React for its dynamic frontend and Solidity to power the backend contracts. Our contract ecosystem comprises three integral components: the CompaignFactoryManager, housing comprehensive campaign data; the CompaignFactory, facilitating the creation of new campaigns; and the Compaign contract, the core logic governing each campaign's functionality.

Throughout our project journey, collaboration has been key. We've partnered with WalletConnect, ENS, and NounsDao to fortify our frontend UI and authentication capabilities. Leveraging Waku, we've integrated a robust chat system enabling seamless communication among contributors within each campaign. Moreover, the contribution will be made by using the utility token ApeCoin. To ensure efficient data management, we've harnessed the power of TheGraph, constructing an indexer for our CompaignFactoryManager on Ethereum's Sepolia.

Our chain-related partnerships have been instrumental. Scroll, Metamask (Linea), and Base have played pivotal roles in our deployment strategy. Deploying our contracts across Scroll Testnet, Linea Goerli Testnet, Base Goerli, and Sepolia Ethereum, we've strived for comprehensive testing and seamless integration across various blockchain environments.

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