The Muse's Vault is a project based on the study "Music 2025: the music data dilemma". In it I consider what new approaches and solutions FVM provides 🤔
In this project, I tried to make a practical solution to the problem discussed in the study "Music 2025: the music data dilemma" by Dennis Collopy (source here
The solution uses FVM for data management, because proper data management plays a big role in research. More specifically, the idea is to combine Education x Governance x Interoperability x Collaboration and the tools that blockchain and FVM offer are ideal for this
For this I propose a tool that will allow not only web3 music companies like Audius etc, but also web2 music studios, and collaborate as Governance and Education providers
These providers can create deal bounties to incentivize the storage of data through FEVM & incentivize education about importance of data management
The project uses next.js / react as a frontend framework, chakraui, ethers.js, wagmi & rainbowkit and foundry to write and test smart contracts
Smart Contracts that used:
Through interface you can create Governance that acts as factory for DealRewarder contracts