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Temple of Satoshi

A strategy game where the entire game map is generated by AI.

Temple of Satoshi

Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of

Avail - Build with Avail

Prize Pool

Project Description

Imagine if you could play a game forever without getting tired of the same maps, strategies and gameplays! Temple of Satoshi is a unique strategy game where the entire gameplay is verifiable and the game map is generated by AI. It is one of the first of its kind (we're not aware of any other games where the game map itself is generated by AI) and brings with it the possibility of games that run forever without any human intervention. Play the game at and tell us what you think!

How it's Made

The game was builtt with the help of react-three-fiber. We used the following technologies

  • Stackr for proof of gameplay and verifiable leaderboard
  • Avail as the DA layer
  • Web3Auth to make the game accessible to anyone within and outside crypto
  • Galadriel for generating game maps
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