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Telepathy is an on-chain game built on IPC. It allows users to join in as a subnet validator in order to take part in the game. It is a multiplayer strategy game which uses IPC upgradable subnets


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Winner of

Protocol Labs

Filecoin - Most meaningful use of Interplanetary Consensus for scalability 1st place

Project Description

Telepathy is an on-chain game that is built upon IPC subnet. It's main focus is on interacting with other characters. There are two characters other than the user's main character -

  1. Sensei - Each Sensei has different powers. The powers of sensei are decided by the custom syscall called in the IPC subnet to generate a random environment for the game. The actor function decides whether we'll be able to kill the sensei or not.
  2. Vendor - The role of the vendor is to tell us how many lives do we have left.

The game ends when we have interacted with all the Sensei whose powers are lower than us. The game is about remembering which sensei killed us last time.

How it's Made

This was my first time using Godot to build a game. I tried to create the UI clean and decent. It's actually tough to create Web3 Games using Godot, I used a Metamask plugin and customized it according to my needs in order to create the game. Currently there's only one level in the game.

The backend is fully based on IPC.

  1. Actor - The actors maintain the game's state and the user's lives too. Once the subnet is created, a random state is generated using a random number generator syscall.
  2. Upgrades - Actor state is updated after every 2000 block confirmations. It checks if the user's lives are less than 4 and increments it.
  3. Joining - Each player can join in as a validator(currently only 2) and one of them should deploy the Telepathy Contract

Instructions to run locally - Link for the Godot files -

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