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My first attempts in my journey to learn the depths of Web3.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

In order to better understand the depths of web3 technology, which I have been working as a designer for years, I have been learning to code in recent days. In this context, I developed a simple nft minting social app in the past 2 days to improve myself. I will accept this hackathon as a serious turning point for myself and will work on further development in the next process. I aimed to grasp only solidity and other technical processes without thinking about product design, identity design and community design, which are my constant working areas. I am submitting to the event, which I had to leave early due to the weather. I will come to the next events to be 1st with both the team and my crazier ideas! :)

How it's Made

Solidity - The language I use for writing smart contracts Javascript & React - The language I use for frontend development and freamwork Hardhat - The library I used to help in my development process Ipfs - the service I use for storing and serving images Firebase (Web hosting - coming soon) React routers (Navigational components)

I started by thinking about the structure of the contract. while trying to understand the examples I found on the internet, I also consumed content to understand solidity a little deeper. after the smart contract structure was settled, I quickly developed the front end part with the help of my previous development experience. I didn't pay much attention to the interface and other issues. It is a great reward for me to have started a new path with such a process :)

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