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“Taste” allows any L2 verifier to query the active Eigelayer AVS set without actively maintaining a registry of (active) operators on every L2 or sidechain.


Created At

ETHGlobal Bangkok

Project Description


TASTE is our acronym for "Transfer AVS State using Teleport".

Previously, maintaining a registry of the active operator set for an AVS on every L2 was necessary. Operators had to be added or removed as they joined or left, requiring constant updates. Without such a registry, there was no reliable way to determine the correct and actual operator set on an L2, as this authority derives from the data on the mainnet.

This project emerged from a real-world need while implementing an AVS across multiple L2s. Initially, we implemented the aforementioned registry approach but encountered several challenges:

  1. Extra smart contract complexity: Increased effort to deploy and manage contracts.
  2. Additional maintenance: Synchronizing operator changes across all L2s in use.
  3. Risk of errors: Delays or discrepancies between these registries on different L2s could lead to inconsistencies or unexpected behaviour.
  4. Additional security concerns: Determining who manages the operator list on L2s introduces new roles, accounts, and potential vulnerabilities.

How it's Made

“Taste” is an alpha version demonstration of using VLayer's "Teleport" technology to query the AVS registry’s mainnet data off-chain and provide cryptographic proofs of the active operator set of an AVS to other chains.

How It Works:

These are the steps involved in using Taste

  1. Deploy the prover contract: Facilitates generating cryptographic proofs.
  2. Deploy the verifier contract: Enables on-chain validation of proofs.
  3. Deploy the EAS resolver: Provides a mechanism to resolve queries as an example use case.
  4. Register the schema: Define the format and rules for the AVS data.
  5. Proving (off-chain): Done using VLayer's Teleport technology.
  6. Post and verify attestation on-chain (on L2): Ensures that proofs are validated and attested on the blockchain.

Additionally, we demonstrate that the on-chain attestation is valid using the EAS website.

Who Benefits?

  • The AVS Builder: No need to manage or worry about which L2 requires the AVS operator data set—reducing complexity and maintenance.
  • The AVS Operator: Ensures their AVS has broad reach, as their operator data is accessible on any L2 without extra effort.
  • The End-User: Enjoys all the advanced and "tasty" features of the AVS on their favorite L2, improving user experience.

With this project we hope to contribute to a broader use of AVSes across many L2s !

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