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An interactive experience learning Japanese and earning NFTS.


Created At


Winner of

⚪️ ZORA — Best Use

🤪 Mode — Most Weird/Viral Idea

Project Description

This game is built around a strong community wanting to learn the Japanese language and collect JPEG/3D NFT's influenced by anime and art-work collectors culture. It also can be used to showcase your ability to read and pronounce Japanese sounds and kana.

Future plans for a marketplace to mint an NFT of your favorite anime 3D character to use in the game, change voice and game call outs. etc..

How it's Made

This game is built using React-Three-Fiber & drei. The game engine runs using zustand state management. After all-rounds have been completed, user can attest their score to the EAS Registry which is used as proof to mint Zora's ERC721 token. I'm proud I was able to run viem and ethers together! Deploy EAS SchemaRegistry Contract on Zora-testnet using the help of J.Valeska Teleporter project.

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