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Tamatebako is a unique NFT platform inspired by the Japanese "Treasure Box" concept. It offers exciting mystery drops, ensuring users receive randomly assigned NFTs with each purchase. With fair distribution and robust privacy controls.


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Hyperlane - Best Application

Blockscout - Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer

Prize Pool

Project Description

TamateBako is an innovative NFT platform that brings excitement and mystery to the NFT purchasing experience. The name "Tamatebako" is inspired by a legendary Japanese folk tale about Urashima Tarō and the mysterious "Tamatebako" or "Treasure Box" he receives. This box, when opened, is said to reveal unexpected wonders, symbolizing surprise and discovery. In Japanese culture, the phrase "開けてびっくり玉手箱" (akete bikkuri tamatebako) translates to "open and be surprised by the treasure box," capturing the essence of unexpected joy and intrigue.

Our app ensures that users never know what unique NFT they will receive until the moment of purchase. This element of surprise adds an engaging, lottery-like thrill to each transaction, making NFT collection both fun and captivating.

How it's Made

For randomness, this application uses FHE (Fully Homomorphic Encryption) in Inco Network. NFT creator can re-index NFT ID, encrypt this order, and stored in contract in Inco Network. A user purchasing for NFT can't know which next NFT is. After user pay to the contract, NFT ID will be revealed. NFT contract is deployed in Base Sepolia testnet. For communicating between NFT Market contract in Inco and NFT contract in Base, TamateBako uses Hyperlane Bridge. NFT content data is encrypted by Lit protocol and stored in Lighthouse, distributed storage. Only NFT holder can decrypt its NFT content. All contracts are verified in Blockscout explorer

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