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At present, NFT combined with Ascii art has not exerted its value. We designed an card type of Ascii NFT protocol and matching wallet, which can be used for various NFT-related games and Metaverse.


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Project Description

Ascii art is an unpopular branch of electronic art. Cards based on Ascii art designs are in the following format:

Has A/B sides (more sides can be extended in the future).

The A side will be the card name + Ascii image;

Screenshot 2022-03-13 10.42.19 PM

Side B is the card name + card description

Screenshot 2022-03-13 10.42.24 pm

There is a flip button below, click the button to flip the card.

Using Ascii NFT Card Protocol has the following benefits:

  • Ascii Art is cool

  • Reduced design cost of NFTs

  • It can be naturally used in various card-related scenarios in the past, such as card games.

How it's Made

Build the Wallet based-on scaffold-eth;

Build resources gallery and page generator by elixir-phoniex-liveview;

Build tai-shang-ascii-nft-contract by Remix,and already deployed on polygon network; Thanks everybody that works for this project, thanks polygon network!

it's happy to finished our project in few days!

Ascii art is amazing!

background image mobile

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