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Encrypt data using TACo, decrypt the data if you meet the on-chain conditions and, if successful, send a notification to the encryptor.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

This project combines Threshold Access Control (TACo 🌮) end to end encryption with notifications through Push protocol.

Using TACo, we can create a conditioned access policy. This is based on the on-chain status of blockchains. By default, the app will check if the account selected in Metamask addon has a $MATIC balance > 0, so if the condition is met, the data can be decrypted. Other conditions based on time, NFTs holding or account allowlist can be used here.

After this conditions are created, we can write some text. This text will be encrypted using TACo. When encrypted, dApp returns a ciphertext, that contains the encrypted text.

This ciphertext can be copied and pasted in the following box to do the decryption. During the decryption process, a push notification is sent to the address that encrypted the text, so this address can now how much time its data is being accessed/decrypted.

How it's Made

For the Access Control, encryption and decryption part, we have been using Threshold Network TACo 🌮.

For the notifications part, we used Push Protocol.

It was challenging to combine two projects, but we finally made it.

For simplicity reasons, the same network (Mumbai) is used both for encryption/decryption and for notifications. But the conditions can be checked in a different network (mainnet, Sepolia, Goerli...). At the same time, notifications can be used in other mainnets and testnets.

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