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A decentralized log that tracks carbon credits on blockchain. By incentivizing sustainable practices with tokens, the aim is to promote a greener future.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

The decentralized platform enables carbon credit tracking and incentivizes sustainable practices through token issuance. Users can easily log daily processes and earn tokens for their contributions towards reducing carbon emissions and promoting a greener future. The platform leverages Layer-2 scaling solutions on the Ethereum network to reduce transaction costs and increase throughput. Its interface is designed to make daily process logging intuitive, while categorizing and computing the submitted tasks to generate carbon emission and sequestration values. Tokens earned by users can be exchanged on a decentralized marketplace or held as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. By promoting sustainable practices, the platform aims to make a positive impact on the environment and the future. The incentivization of carbon reduction practices is crucial in the fight against climate change, and this platform aims to create a sustainable ecosystem that benefits individuals and the planet.

How it's Made

This project was built using Next.js for the frontend and the Polygon network for blockchain transactions. Polygon's eco-friendly blockchain allows this platform to have a low carbon footprint while being on a low-cost, secure blockchain. To optimize performance, sponsor technologies such as Polygon ID, Push Protocol, Graph Protocol, and Polybase were leveraged. These technologies work together to create an efficient and effective platform that incentivizes sustainable practices. Our innovative use of these technologies has allowed us to create a platform that benefits individuals and the environment.

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