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Decentralizing Insights, Redefining Surveys, Empowering Trust


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Survey Data Manipulation by Centralized Organizations

Traditional survey platforms often suffer from centralized control, exposing survey data to potential manipulation by organizations. This compromises the authenticity and accuracy of results, eroding trust in the collected data for critical decision-making.

Solution: Decentralization, Immutable Data, and AI-Generated Forms

Decentralization: SurveyBlock utilizes blockchain technology to decentralize survey data storage. This removes the risk of manipulation by ensuring no single entity has control, fostering transparency and trust in survey results.

Immutable Data: Blockchain guarantees the immutability of survey data. Responses recorded on the blockchain become part of an unalterable and transparent ledger, providing an auditable trail that participants and organizations can trust.

AI-Generated Forms: SurveyBlock introduces AI-powered survey form creation. Users can save time by leveraging AI algorithms for optimal form structures and designs, ensuring efficiency in the survey creation process.

SurveyBlock's threefold approach - decentralization, data immutability, and AI-driven efficiency - addresses the manipulation challenges of traditional survey platforms while enhancing user experience and trust in the survey data collected.


How it's Made

Integration Complexity: Connecting various technologies like MetaMask, AnonAadhaar, and blockchain posed challenges in ensuring seamless user authentication and verification.

Blockchain Integration: Overcoming complexities in integrating blockchain for decentralized data storage and ensuring data immutability.

AI-Powered Survey Form Generation: Training and Integrating AI for AI-powered survey creation, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

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