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SuperSolar is built for bringing the solar - community to web3. Users can onboard for free, registration are free and also the gas fees are covered. For more motivation they can earn yield via their solar trades


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Alchemy - Best Consumer App Built with Alchemy Embedded Accounts 2nd place

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project brings the solar-community into web3. Users can onboard with their E-mail addresses for free and instant, also their gas fees are paid via a gas API manager. After the registration and verification and also some contract agreement, they can start trading P2P or trading to the grid, earning some yield to themselves, further motivating their solar usage for the future as it will be more needed in the long term.

Of course the normal solar equipment that they are using on Web2 is needed ( Smart Metering, Solar Panel, User Agreement, Registration with local utility. But this can be linked to web3, this app is just showing the use-case for the project.

How it's Made

First of all this project uses the alchemy web3 sdk. Users can create Light accounts via their E-mails to make the onboard as easy as possible. Also their transactions are covered via userOperations, so both the Bundler and the Gas manager API is used from Alchemy side to make things easier for new users. Metamask connection is also possible via the alchemy account-kit, but in that case the gas manager API will not be in place.

The contract have been verified in Blockscout, to see the transactions and the functions available on the blockchain.

I have used Worldcoin to actually check everybody's proof of humanity who wants to register for trading solar energies. I think this is a very crucial part because in this group everybody needs to be verified, since valued energies are going to be transferred between normal and verified users.

This has been meant for a Consumer app and the contracts have been Deployed to Base Sepolia.

Superform is used for motivating people to come to joining this community, so they can earn more money with it's yielding strategy the more solar trades they do.

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