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DAO management platform designed to align onchain Identity, Incentives & Verifiable Credentials using zk proofs.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

This project was created to facilitate decentralised ways of working. And will be a work to earn model. Having been in a DAO for 2 years we needed a way to find and vet contributors quickly whilst allowing them to maintain privacy. This platform solves that need and brings trust and verifiable credentials to your identity on-chain. The credentials will be awarded when you successfully complete a task or job. These can then be tied to your wallet and ID so you always have proof of the work you've successfully completed if you wish to reveal this.

How it's Made

-Used figma to create the designs -Used react for the front end -Used Tailwind for styling -Solidity smart contracts -Integrated wallet connect to pay contributors -Waku: We used the communication protocols of Waku to provide a robust and censorship-resistant realtime messaging chat feature. Integration Pending Semaphore Protocol: Private Ratings after any Soul Bound Credential Minting experience

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