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Superwallet is the proof of concept smartcontracts and a blockchain that makes cross-chain as one chain


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Project Description

The beauty of the project is in the architecture. After researching half of the hacking time, experimenting I finally understood how to make the good wallet.

The much of the work won't be seen. Except the configuration files used for them. But I tried to document as much as possible.

This project is the smartcontracts of the potential cross-chain wallet. Idea is that this wallet is loading to all networks at the same time. And it represents the bridged tokens for the user as a single token. There is no central authority. And in order to solve that, the wallet is exposing an interface for each network. Then connects them together using a middle network. I call this middle chain as Push.

Push is the DexPush. And here Dex means both bridging and swapping the tokens across chains. DexPush tracks the user's associated accounts across all networks. DexPush tracks all the token addresses across the network. Finally it keeps the balance of the token pools. So that for bridging feature, users may provide a liquidity.

However, the DexPush has no it's own applications, its not intended to be a dapp platform. It simply a shared load-balancer + configuration hub.

Here are some features:

  • Bridging is under the hood. All bridged assets can be triggered during the transfer or send of the token.
  • Pool for bridging should not be minted, and merged with the Dex, so that users may earn passive income.

How it's Made

This project uses the Safe wallets as the intermediary. By making the smartcontract as the second owner, while user itself being the first one, he can cancel the transaction any time. Therefore, the smartcontracts are not proxy, they are not upgradable, and don't have the cancelling. Initially I was planning to make it using abstract wallet. And only implemented it using Safe, after reading their documentation. That they have post, and pre hooks for the transactions using modules. Potentially it could be helpful to write modules for the SuperWallet (that will be Safe modules). Short answer is: |Safety and maturity over Abstract Wallets|.

If N-to-N blockchains are connected to each other. Then keeping track of the relationship will be prone to errors. Therefore there should be atleast a middle blockchain that can bypass the transactions from chain A to chain B. Luckily, the proofs could be uploaded to Ethereum to verify correctness. Security number one.

This middle chain is called Push, while all other chains are called Pulls. Besides bypassing, the Push is doing two more things:

  • It keeps the relationship of the user accounts across the world.
  • It keeps the relationships of the tokens (bridged token addresses)
  • It has the Dex tool. The dex part tracks the AMM from any incoming messages. The other chains are only locking the data or sending them to the users.

Final thing is Hyperlane. Out of Chainlink, LayerZero, the hyperlane was lighter, the tech is more permissionless. When in other projects, the complexity of the software makes it harder to maintain the things that I would need: Messaging to recent op-stack based blockchains, which is hard to do with permissioned transactions.

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