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A tool for helping crypto savvy individuals manage funds on behalf of others


Created At

Superhack 2024

Project Description

This tool is designed to help small scale crypto investment managers to manage stablecoin investments on behalf of friends and clients. The platform allows them to add new clients and create a smart contract wallet for each client. The clients can then deposit USDC into that wallet, and the manager will invest it on their behalf into yield bearing vaults. Eventually I intend to build a dashboard where the investors can see their investments and how they've performed. But the main part of the app will be dashboards for the managers where they can add their clients, and also where they can add vaults and see the performance of those vaults. This should allow them to allocate their clients funds to the yield vaults that they believe offer the best risk-adjusted returns.

How it's Made

The project uses thirdweb extensively for the basic app structure and to allow the managers to add new clients and create smart contract wallets for them. For the vaults themselves, the app uses superform to enable the managers to invest into any ERC-4626 vault on any of the EVM chains covered by superform. This can be done even though the client funds will originate on only one chain. Thirdweb enables the creation of multichain smart contract wallets. The app is build from the thirdweb Vite+React template, using Typescript as the main language, and the thirdweb SDK's to interact with the blockchain.

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