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A fun onchain game of 2048 based on superchain with onchain image of svg.


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Project Description

  • Game Introduction: Introducing a 2048 digital slider game based on blockchain technology.
  • On-chain Record: Every move in the game is recorded on the blockchain, ensuring fairness and immutability.
  • NFT Minting: Upon successfully reaching 2048, players can mint a unique NFT.
  • NFT Characteristics: The NFT's tokenURI uses on-chain base64 encoding, with its visual representation in SVG format.
  • Art and Value: This NFT is not just a digital asset, but also holds artistic value.
  • Trade and Display: Players can buy, sell, or exhibit this NFT on trading platforms.
  • On-chain Random Seed: A random seed on the blockchain is generated by each player.

How it's Made

  • use the template of
  • use the on-chain base64 tokenURI and svg image
  • solidity
  • react(not good at it)
  • Next.js + Tailwind CSS + Ethers + wagmi + RainbowKit
  • On-chain Random Seed: A random seed on the blockchain is generated by each player.
background image mobile

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