Sudoku on Nillion leverages blind computation with privacy-preserving Nada programs to securely solve puzzles
How to Play:
- The owner creates a random 4x4 Sudoku game.
- The owner removes 10 numbers from the Sudoku grid, stores the solution, and the game is saved on Nillion.
- The player solves the Sudoku puzzle.
- The player clicks the "Compute" button to run a computation on Nillion, which compares the player's solution with the correct answer to check if the Sudoku is solved correctly.
This project utilizes the Next.js, Chakra UI (create a beautiful user interface). The contract was built using Hardhat. I deployed my contracts on the Sepolia Testnet.
The following technologies was used:
- Nillion: Create a Nada program compares the player's solution with the correct answer to check if the Sudoku is solved correctly and not showing the solution to the player. It uses @nillion/client-react-hooks npm package to work with Nillion from the web app frontend.