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Let us talk for you


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Huddle01 - AI Track

Project Description

The way the 21st century has made all the world to be under your fingertips and it has become so easy to connect with people around the world. Learning different languages is not so easy and with around 7000 languages around the world it kind of becomes impossible for normal human beings. So whenever you are connecting with anyone around the world or want to consume any type of content this becomes the issue of not being able to understand the specific language. We have various startups trying to solve centralization of the content but none specifically solving this language barrier for the user. So we came up with the idea to solve this problem by providing users with the option to have their calls in their own language with the subtitles of the ongoing stream of the call.

Along with this, instead of making them watch the stream and read the caption for understanding the content, we came up with something called converting the speech of the speaker to the listener's native language and making the listener able to listen to the totally unknown conversation in the listener's native language. With this idea of making users listen to the content and get the subtitles in specific language we are also providing the summary of the calls to the involved users and making them enjoy realtime chat in the ongoing stream.

Features -

Speech to text - Generate subtitles for the user for better understanding Speech to Speech - Generate some language X audio stream to language Y which is understandable for user RealTime chat - Realtime chat system for the live stream Notifications - For the upcoming meeting scheduled for user Meeting notes - Enabling user to get summary of the meetings user was involved into


How it's Made

Exploring and debugging several different ways to convert the input audio to user's selected language. Translating the video subtitles and rendering it for the user in their language Managing the different inputs of different users and giving the live streaming for that specific language is the most challenging phase of the implementation Apart from this facing issues with the documentations Within less time fixing package related issues of the partners and also brainstorming on the idea and refining it was a bit of a challenge for us.

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